Brigette's Technology Consulting and Research Firm 105 Wilson Circle, Newnan, GA 30263 USA
Composition of Case-Based Questions Research Collaboration Service Invoice
Contractee Identification Information: Full Name (Contractee): Organization Name: Position Title: Industry: Address, City, State, and Zip: County: Country: Phone Number: Fax Number: Email Address: How Did You Hear About the Firm:
Contractee Information:
Prior Client Discount 5-Question @ $350.00 10-Questions @ $750.00
Purpose for Questions: Jury Selection/Vetting: State Court Case Matter: Jury Selection/Vetting: Superior Court Case Matter: Arbitration (select one): Pre-hearing Hearing: Case Matter: Research Publication: Subject Matter: Supplier Qualifier: Product/Service Matter: List of Attached Documents or Sources by Name (submit up to 3 documents only and separately via email with the name of each in the subject line): 1. 2. 3. Additional Information:
Payment Method:
Total Amount Enclosed or Electronically Transferred (USD only): Made money order or cashier/official company Wells Fargo checks/transfer ONLY payable to: Brenda Nelson-Porter. Western Union (770-254-3030: Kroger at Thomas Crossroad, Newnan GA USA), MoneyGram (Walmart, Newnan, GA USA) may ONLY be used for clients who reside outside of the USA.
Terms and Conditions:
I have read and agree to all terms here offered by Brigette's Technology Consulting and Research Firm (referred to as the "Firm").
I am agreeing to pay for the above selected service. I understand the service(s) will begin after full payment is received by means indicated above. I understand the Firm will not accept any other types of personal checks or payments other than means indicated above.
The Firm will charge a $30.00 fee for "each" resubmission of a document that has to be resent to the client after the expiration of the contract. Resending documents take time away from the Firm and time that can be spent on working with the current clients, whose contract has not expired. If the Firm does not receive a return email error, then the sent (dispatched) document is deemed received by the client as in accordance with the contract mailbox law.
I understand the Firm will keep requests and information confidential.
I understand the Firm will submit the question list in a MS Word document via electronic mail. Estimated Delivery Date (mm/dd/year):
I also agree to reference Brigette's Technology Consulting and Research Firm in any publication presenting that the survey methodology derived from the Firm's services and/or for assisting in the data collection process.
I understand there are no refunds and no guarantees that this Service will qualify or disqualify any potential candidate, generate any publishing correlated with any or any future article subject matters, or will result in vendor/supplier/provider/client-response, quote, information, proposal, bid, interest, or positive feedback.
Irrespective of the place of performance, this Service Contract and any dispute arising under or in connection with the execution of terms and conditions shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations of the United States. Any legal disputes associated with this Service Contract will be mitigated in the State of Georgia (Newnan) United States of America.
Contractor Identification Information: Brenda L. Nelson-Porter, DM, ND, Founder, Brigette’s Technology Consulting and Research Firm Researcher, Instrument Developer, Qualitative Data Analyst, Prior Certified Purchasing Professional (CPP) Telephone/Fax: 770-251-6765 Email: Contractee Signature:
Signature: _____________________________________________, Contractee Date: