Brigette's Technology Consulting and Research Firm
105 Wilson Circle, Newnan, GA 30263 USA

Composition of Case-Based Questions
Research Collaboration Service Invoice

Contractee Identification Information:

Name (Contractee): 
Organization Name:
Position Title: 
Address, City, State, and Zip: 
County:    Country:
Phone Number: 
    Fax Number:  
Email Address: 
How Did You Hear About the Firm:

Contractee Information:

New Clients

5-Question @ $450.00
10-Question @ $900.00  

 Prior Client Discount

5-Question @ $350.00
10-Questions @ $750.00


Purpose for Questions:

Jury Selection/Vetting: State Court Case Matter:
Jury Selection/Vetting: Superior Court Case Matter:
Arbitration (select one): Pre-hearing  Hearing: Case Matter:
Research Publication: Subject Matter:  
Supplier Qualifier: Product/Service Matter:

List of Attached Documents or Sources by Name (submit up to 3 documents only and separately via email with the name of each in the subject line):

Additional Information:

Payment Method:

Total Amount Enclosed or Electronically Transferred (USD only):

money order or cashier/official company Wells Fargo checks/transfer ONLY payable to: Brenda Nelson-Porter.
Western Union (770-254-3030: Kroger at Thomas Crossroad, Newnan GA USA), MoneyGram (Walmart, Newnan, GA USA) may ONLY be used for clients who reside outside of the USA.

Terms and Conditions:

Identification Information:

Brenda L. Nelson-Porter, DM, ND, Founder, Brigette’s Technology Consulting and Research Firm
Researcher, Instrument Developer, Qualitative Data Analyst, Prior Certified Purchasing Professional (CPP)
Telephone/Fax: 770-251-6765

Contractee Signature:

Signature:  _____________________________________________, Contractee    Date: