"Team Hiring" Model©

The New Concept of Hiring and Team Building: "Team Hiring" Model: New Reality Corporation©

This research project will take approximately 1 year to complete.

This concept entails the process of hiring teams as full-time employees. These teams are comprised of employees not consultants. This method was designed to produce long-term working relationships and reduce individual interviews.

The participating organization will appoint a vice president or senior vice president (i.e., mediator or CES) to oversee the process.

Task 1:  Advertise the availability of three positions as a team adventure. Applicants will submit three individual resumes with one cover letter as one application. In the cover letter, the "Team" will indicate the name of their team, and why the team will be effective.

Task 2:  Interview a team. For example, when a VP needs an Director, Manager, and Subordinate. The VP and his/her senior VP will interview a "Team" for the positions. If a department needs three or more equal workers, the manager, director, and VP can interview a "Team". Members of the team will not likely state that they do not 'like' working with their team members because they chose each other.

Task 3:  During the interviews, explain the 4 unique rules (kickers). Upon being hired, each team member has to sign a written consent form agreeing to these terms. The mediator will prepare this form.

Kicker 1: Team has to agree to receive all forms of punishment as a team (i.e., if one member of the team is late, all members get reprimanded and if one or more of the team members of the original team quits within the 6-month time period, the whole team is forfeited.

Kicker 2: If one member of the team has to work late, the other members have to work late either performing their assigned tasks or assisting their other teammate.

Kicker 3: After 3 months of working as a team, if majority of members of the team agree to exchange one member of the group, they can exchange a candidate of equal status (i.e., firing their own by majority vote).

Kicker 4: Promotions will only be open to these candidates after a 6-month timeframe and if those of senior status have resigned their positions. For example, if the vice president resigns and the team is in good standing, then the  director will move into the vice president's position, the manager will move up into the director's position, the supervisor will move into the manager's position, and the subordinate will move into the supervisor's position. Only members of the team can replace the junior personnel position with a new subordinate.

This model can work at all levels of the organization. It forms cohesiveness and allow potential candidates to take part in the selection process.

Mediator:  Document all activities (selected teams and their names, composition of the teams, how teams interact, the progress of each team, whether the method is going as planned and is efficient, if any team was terminated and for what reasons, and so forth) and submit monthly reports to the Firm. At the end of the initial 6-month period, each team member is to submit a 3-page report of their experiences to the Mediator. These 2-page reports along with the Mediator's monthly findings are to be submitted to the Firm. At the end of the 12-month period, each team member will submit a 5-page report of their experiences to the Mediator, which also addresses the following questions:

The 3-page reports and the Mediator's final report must be forwarded to the Firm within 3 weeks. In addition to findings, the final report must indicate the following:

Corporate Leaders Declare Your Organization a "New Reality Corporation" Today!

No deadlines to apply for participating organizations

Research Firms:  Deadline for bids for participating organizations:  December 21, XXXX


Brigette's Technology Consulting and Research Firm ©2004-2013