Class Papers and Comprehensive Examination

This service is intended for learners who are completing their class or comprehensive examination. For assistance with the composition of concept paper, prospectus, proposal, or dissertation, click here. For APA or MLA editing only, click here. This service is not intended to "do" any learner's paper or examination; however, this service is intended to closely guide students along their journey by assisting with composing the document based on the views of the learner.

All information will be submitted via email. The document must have sufficient information or thought to build upon. Blank sheets or insufficient information will be returned without editorial comments in document. Email incomplete thoughts or draft along with examination question(s) and instructions to

The Firm will assist with composing information until the time contracted has expired; however, the student and the Firm will work together to complete the service(s). Formatting include organizing information in a template designed by the Firm. If document (template) is returned prior to the expiration of contracted time, the submission is only for the student to view progress and not record information in the document. Students will be asked to submit responses via email based on the Firm's requests. Students are to resume working on their document once the final submission (along with the time-line) has been returned to the student via email.

Bachelor Students:

     Fee: $300.00 for 4.0 hours: Add an additional $50.00 for another 1.0 hour of contracted work
                 $600.00 for 8.0 hours: Add an additional $45.00 for another 1.0 hour of contracted work
                 $1000.00 for 12.5 hours: Add an additional $40.00 for another 1.0 hour of contracted work

Master Student:

        Fee: $325.00 for 4.0 hours: Add an additional $50.00 for another 1.0 hour of contracted work
                 $625.00 for 8.0 hours: Add an additional $45.00 for another 1.0 hour of contracted work
                 $1025.00 for 12.5 hours: Add an additional $40.00 for another 1.0 hour of contracted work

Doctoral Students:

        Fee: $350.00 for 4.0 hours: Add an additional $55.00 for another 1.0 hour of contracted work
                 $650.00 for 8.0 hours: Add an additional $50.00 for another 1.0 hour of contracted work
                 $1050.00 for 12.5 hours: Add an additional $45.00 for another 1.0 hour of contracted work

Allow up to 4-5 days for return of final document. I understand that non-response/participation per day from the client will be charged as three (3.0) contract hours per day. The Firm does not guarantee professor, mentor, committee, or graders' approval. No refunds will be provided. Click here for .