Concept Paper, Prospectus,
Proposal, Internship Paper, Practicum, or Dissertation

"Transforming Your Research Paper Into a Scholarly Dissertation Study"

This service is intended for learners who are beginning their concept paper, prospectus, proposal, and dissertation. For assistance with the composition of the comprehensive examination, click on the link. The document must have sufficient information or thought to build upon. Blank sheets or insufficient information will be returned without editorial comments in document, and no contract is formed. Formatting include organizing information in a template format designed by the Firm that may resemble the template suggested by the University . This service is not intended to "do" any learners' paper, dissertation proposal, or dissertation; however, this service is intended to closely guide learners along their journey. All information will be submitted via email. Email incomplete/emerging thoughts or draft of sections or chapters to

The Firm will assist with composing information/constructing the document until the time contracted has expired; however, the learner and the Firm will work together to complete the service(s). If document (template) is returned prior to the expiration of contracted time, the submission is only for the student to view progress and to not record information in the document. Learners will be asked to submit updates via email--that is--what the Firm requests. Students are to resume working on their document once the final submission (along with the time-line) has been returned to the learner via email. For learners who need assistance with the composition of the following, complete the survey below and click on Invoice:

Historical Overview: [This section does not present the events that happened but presents "a factually supported rationale to explain why events happened" (Leedy, 1997, p. 174)]

Current Findings: [This section does not present the events that are happening but presents a factually supported rationale to explain why events are happening (Leedy, 1997)]

Internal Criticism: Involves determining what statements mean or authors are attempting to convey (Leedy, 1997)

External Criticism: Involves determining whether the documents used are genuinely or authenticity valid primary data (Leedy, 1997)

For Composition of Theses, Master-level Learners, visit Thesis Composition.



Chapter 1 (e.g., Introduction: Problem Statement, Purpose Statement, Theoretical Framework, or so forth)
Chapter 2 (e.g., Literature Review: Historical Overview or Current Findings)
Chapter 3 (e.g.,
Methodology: Research Design and Appropriateness, Validity, Data Analysis, or so forth)
Chapter 4 (e.g., Results: Align with Chapter 3)
Chapter 5 (e.g., Overview and Conclusion, Implications, Recommendations: Current and Future Studies, and so forth)



Chapter 1 (e.g., The Problem: Problem Background, Importance of the Study,  or so forth)
Chapter 2 (e.g., Literature Review: Theoretical Framework,
Review of Related Literature)
Chapter 3 (e.g.,
Methodology: Research Design, Procedures, Data Process and Analysis, or so forth)
Chapter 4 (e.g., Findings: Align with Chapter 3)
Chapter 5 (e.g., Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations: Chapters Overview, and so forth)



Chapter 1 (e.g., Introduction: Background of Study, Statement of Problem, Organization of the Study, or so forth)
Chapter 2 (e.g., Literature Review: Theoretical Framework,
Review of the Critical Literature)
Chapter 3 (e.g.,
Methodology: Research Design, Sample, Population, and Participants, or so forth)
Chapter 4 (e.g., Data Collection and Analysis: Align with Chapter 3)
Chapter 5 (e.g., Results, Conclusions, and Recommendations: Chapters Overview, and so forth)



Chapter 1 (e.g., Introduction: Topic To Be Studied, Definitions, Significance of the Study, Overview of the Sections of the Dissertation)
Chapter 2 (e.g., History)
Chapter 3 (e.g., Current Literature Review)
Chapter 4 (
e.g., Methodology: Research Design and Appropriateness, Validity, Data Analysis, or so forth)
Chapter 5 and/or 6 (e.g., Results: Align with Chapter 4): Note: Results can be documented in more than one (1) chapter
Chapter 6 and/or 7 (e.g., Overview and Conclusion, Implications, Recommendations: Current and Future Studies, and so forth)


[Effective October 23, 2013 for New Clients]

The Topic Paper, Concept Paper, Prospectus, or Other Individual Scholarly Papers [see Option II for the Proposal, Intern Proposal, Practicum, and Dissertation].

        Services: Also include checking for consistency, reviewing title and reference or bibliography
pages, and finding a minimum of 3 peer-review articles. Price does include limited APA editing and formatting of a section or chapter.

     Fee: $1,200.00 for 10.0 hours of contracted work


[Effective October 23, 2013 for New Clients]

All Sections of the:


        Services: Also include checking for logic and consistency, reviewing title and reference pages, and finding a minimum of 15 scholarly articles. Price does include limited APA editing and formatting. Price does not include conducting the data analysis.

   Fee: $1,900.00 for 15.0 hours of contracted work
   Fee: $2,450.00 for 20.0 hours of contracted work
      Fee: $3,000.00 for 25.5 hours of contracted work
   Fee: $3,300.00 for 30.0 hours of contracted work
       Fee: $3,800.00 for 35.0 hours of contracted work


Complete Survey to Determine if This Service is For You!

Initial proposal/dissertation document sent to the Firm to construct. No   Yes    If, Yes, what is the size of that file:
I blame myself not others for the delay in completing my proposal or dissertation. No  Yes
I am responsible for my own proposal or dissertation and not others included the staff members of the Firm.
No  Yes
I respect that the Firm does not like to waste any time listening to excuses AND time reading about my personal life and my personal issues.
No   Yes
I can work collaborative in an online environment.
No   Yes
I welcome constructive criticism.
No   Yes
I support academic integrity and research ethics.
No   Yes
I am ready to sit down [after working hours] and receive direction from the Firm and respond to requests. 
No   Yes
I have an email inbox that is not over capacity and can allow the import of many emails from the Firm
No   Yes
I have time to answer a minimum of four (4) email requests per evening or night.
No   Yes
I honor the non-response/participation (see below) policy, whereby the mail box rule does not apply here for clients sending responses requested to the Firm:
No   Yes
I understand the Firm only will work on the document (includes finding articles) for the number of contract hours and will not exceed the contracted hours.
No   Yes
I understand that my document may need additional contract hours after the expiration of the selected hours to complete the document or to obtain approvals from the University, and that additional hours working with the Firm will result in additional payment:
No   Yes

Include a copy of this price sheet and completed survey with the signed service contract (invoice). Allow up to 3-15 days for return of final document. I understand that non-response/participation per day from the client will be charged as three (3.0) contract hours per day. No refunds will be provided. The Firm does not guarantee professor, instructor, mentor, chair, committee, ARB, IRB, QRM, QRF, or Dean's or no other person's approval, employment, or any profits will result from this service. Click here for Invoice.