For African American or Latino Male Junior and Senior Teens in High School
Who Desire to Attend College or an Academy and Need a Recommendation Letter to Submit with Applications.




Currently Enrolled as a Junior or Senior in High School

Permission from your parent or guardian
Have a Facebook Page
Join this Group
(which indicates permission was granted by a parent or guardian)



High school scholars must participate in the following 10 tasks to be eligible for a recommendation letter
offered by Brigette's Technology Consulting and Research Firm {"the Firm"}.


Tasks to Perform Status

  • Create a blog and share your long-term academic and professional interests and possible obstacles.
  • Post an introduction statement about yourself and the link to your blog to the Group.
  • Raise awareness of about the percentage of high school dropouts.
  • Research reasons why teens enjoy attending high school.
  • Post to the Group what improvements teachers can make within the classroom to decrease the number of dropouts.
  • Raise awareness of about the conditions in a disadvantaged neighborhood.
  • Participate in recycling paper, aluminum, and/or plastics.
  • Post to the Group a current photos of yourself participating in a community cleanup initiative.
  • Raise awareness about the transportation used by young teens.
  • Go to your local library and check out 3 books. Phone or text 5 of your classmates to meet you at your local library.
  • Post to the Group the names of the 3 books you checked out.
  • Raise awareness about the crimes committed by young teens.
  • Research if being a single parent may be a contributing factor why teens commit crimes.
  • Post to the Group 3 crimes recently committed by a teen in your community and how each may possibly have been prevented.
  • Raise awareness about the mental stress of teens.
  • Research the number of teens who commit suicide in the United States.
  • Post to the Group reasons why suicide is not the answer to any problems and where teens may receive assistance.
  • Raise awareness of missing teens.
  • Research the reasons by teens run away from home and how many end up dead, as prostitutes, and/or on drugs.
  • Post to the Group the photos of 3 missing teens in your state.
  • Raise awareness about the physical health of homeless children.
  • Encourage others in your neighborhood to donate food to local food banks and shelters.
  • Post to the Group the type of foods needed to be donated to improve the health conditions of homeless children.
  • Raise awareness about the mental health of disadvantaged children.
  • Encourage others to donate toys to local churches and organizations.
  • Post to the Group 3 educational toys you believe children may enjoy the most this Christmas and subsequently approach any learning disabilities.
January 3rd
(last day)
  • Update your blog about how your may change your community performing in the profession you selected.
  • Invite other African American male high school juniors and seniors to this Group.
  • Post to the Group the link to your updated blog and share how participating in this emerging program helped you to gain insight about the needs of the community.

Note. O denotes open and in progress, C denotes closes, and U denotes upcoming.


Significance and Importance

The SIR (Scholars I Recommend) Initiative is different than the traditional community service and recommendation process because with this initiative, high school learners will have the opportunity to connect with peers across a network using social media as a platform. Through participation in the 10 predefined tasks, a positive image of African American young male teens will be recognized by a community of school teachers, higher education professors, academy officials, community organizers, political advocates and so forth.




One (1) Printed and Signed Recommendation Letter from the Firm
Letters may be copied and submitted with any scholarship application or entrance application into any Academy.

Disclaimer: The award letter will not guarantee that any applicants will receive the scholarship or be admitted into any Academy.


Number of High School Scholars Awarded a Recommendation:  1






Stronger Nation Through Higher Education

Black Male Student Success in Higher Education

Gatekeepers: The Role of Adult Education Practitioners and Programs in Social Control

African American Male Mentors Are In Demand

African American Professors


Note: The title, "Acquiring" Professor, was adopted by AAN August 22, 2013 to replace the title, "Adjunct" Professor.


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All Rights Reserved Worldwide